Mar 27, 2013

Rules for endings pronunciation

Rule: -ed verbs with ‘t’ sound

Pronounce the -ed of past tense verbs as a ‘t’ sound when the last sound of a verb ends with:     – p – k – s – ch – sh – f – x – h (voiceless sounds).  For example, the past tense of the verb stop, is stopped.  The ‘d’ in stopped is voiceless or unvoiced.  The sound after the ‘p’ in stopped is a ‘t’ sound = stop(t).

Rule: -ed verbs with ‘d’ sound

Pronounce past tense -ed verbs with a ‘d’ sound when the last sound of the verb ends with voiced sounds: – l – v – n – m – r – b – v – g – w – y – z –and vowel sounds (diphthongs).  For example, the past tense of the verb allow, is allowed.  The sound after the ‘w’ in allowed is a ‘d’ sound = allow(d).

Rule: -ed verbs with ‘id’ sound

Pronounce past tense -ed verbs with an ‘id’ sound when the last part of the verb ends with ‘t’ or ‘d’.  For example, the past tense of the verb paint, is painted.  The sound after the ‘t’ in painted is an ‘id’ sound = paint(id).
I know that this can be a little tricky at first, but with some practice, I know you’ll get it.

Mar 12, 2013


Rule 1: add ing to most words
    mail + ing = mailing carry + ing =carrying
  • always keep the y before adding the ing ending

Rule 2: if the word ends in e, drop the e and add ing
    ride + ing = riding     take + ing = taking

Rule 3: if the word is short and ends with a vowel/consonant, double the consonant and add ing
    stop + ing = stopping
    wrap + ing = wrapping

  • if a word has a double e, do not drop the second e
      See + ing = seeing
  • change ie to y before adding ing
      die + ing = dying
    note: the word die means to pass away and the word dye means to color
      dye + ing = dyeing